TAU hosts CLAARRDEC’s 29th Regional Symposium on R&D

Tarlac Agricultural University, in collaboration with the Central Luzon Agriculture, Aquatic and Resources Research and Development Consortium (CLAARRDEC), hosted the 29th Regional Symposium on R&D Highlights on September 28, 2018.
Dr. Max P. Guillermo, TAU President and keynote speaker, noted that the regional symposium showcased the productive and innovative researches of the senior and junior faculty from various Higher Educational Institutions in Region 3 and also senior researchers from agencies such as Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources 3 (BFAR 3), Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Unit 3 (DA-RF03), Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice), and Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PhilMech).
Read more: TAU hosts CLAARRDEC’s 29th Regional Symposium on R&D
Dr. Valdez, Dr. Petero earn the best paper presentation during the Annual In-house Review
Dr. Maria Teresa SJ. Valdez and Dr. Noel J. Petero earned recognition as the best paper presenters in the Technical Research and Development Category and Social Science Research Category respectively during the 29th Annual Agency In-house Review of Completed and On-Going Research and Development Projects held at the Agritourism Hostel Function Hall on August 15, 2018.
Dr. Valdez earned a commendation from the panel of evaluators when she presented their research titled “Production and Evaluation of High-Protein Fermented Sweetpotato (ProEn-K) as Feed Ingredient for Economically Important Aquatic Organisms.” Also, the said paper has been presented in the 29th Regional Symposium on R&D Highlights on August 28, 2018 and TAU was the host.
Read more: Dr. Valdez, Dr. Petero earn the best paper presentation during the Annual In-house Review
Harnessing Quality and Excellence
TAU submits five programs for higher level of accreditation
“Accreditation has become part of our lifestyle,” exclaimed by Dr. Max P. Guillermo, the TAU President, as he welcomes the accreditation team during the opening program of the accreditation which was held on August 27, 2018 at the Agritourism Hostel Function Hall.
After a year-long preparation, the four Colleges – College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), College of Agriculture and Forestry (CAF), College of Business and Management (CBM), and College of Engineering and Technology (CET)— had submitted their programs for accreditation on August 27 to August 31, 2018.
Accreditation team from the Accredited Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) had crucially surveyed the quality of instruction, extension, research and production provided by the following program offerings: Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship, Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering, and Master of Science in Agriculture. The AACCUP’s Accreditation Overall Coordinator was Dr. Thelma A. Lanuza from Isabela State University while the Cluster Coordinator was Dr. Leoncio M. Matibag of South Luzon State University. A simultaneous survey visit was conducted to these programs.
Dr. Matibag was the team leader of the group who had surveyed the Bachelor of Arts in Economics program which was revisited for the Level IV Phase I. Certain areas under the instruction, extension, and research have been re-surveyed to check the compliance of the core faculty, the administration, the support staff, and students for the Level IV accreditation status. The members of the said accreditation team were Dr. Demetria A. San Juan of University of Rizal System, Dr. Isabelita S. Bacud of University of Rizal System, and Prof. Ruvy M. Tuble of Carlos Hilado Memorial State College.
Read more: TAU submits five programs for higher level of accreditation
forging gender responsive strategic directions and priorities
TAU holds Annual Performance Review, Planning Workshop, GAD Mainstreaming Seminar and Benchmarking
Consistently assessing the University's strategic directions and priorities to determine the institution's status in its bid on becoming one of the top 500 agricultural universities in Asia, TAU conducted Annual Performance Review, GAD Mainstreaming Activity, and Benchmarking at CLSU, PCC, PhilRice and BFAR-NFTC last July 16-20, 2018.
The activity which was organized by the Office of the President, Planning and Development Office, Office of External Linkages and International Affairs, and Gender and Development was participated in by the members of the Administrative Council. Each of the participants has presented the accomplishments, targets and priorities of their respective office or department during the Performance Review and Planning Workshop held at the Bamboo Training Center on July 16-17, 2018. Officials from NEDA, Officer-In-Charge Assistant Director, Engr. Susana Santiago and Officer-In-Charge Chief Consuelo Tessa Sibal; the University President, Dr.Max P.Guillermo; the Vice Presidents, Dr. Jeremias DC. Rodriguez, Dr. Tessie E. Navarro and Dr. Ernesto A. Viray, Jr. were the evaluators and critics on the outputs presented.
RET conducts workshop to update TAU-RDE agenda
Eyeing to generate an updated and relevant RDE Agenda aligned to the thrusts and priority programs of national government agencies aimed towards achieving national and regional development goals, the Research, Extension and Training (RET) Unit of the Tarlac Agricultural University spearheaded the “RDE Seminar-Workshop: Planning of the TAU Research, Development and Extension (RDE) Agenda 2018 and Framing of Winning Research and Extension Program Proposals” on April 12, 13 and 20 at the TAU Hostel Conference Hall and Farmers’ Training Center, respectively.
The first day of the activity highlighted the updating of a relevant, responsive, and sustainable TAU RDE Agenda wherein Dr. William D. Dar, former Director General of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and the founder and incumbent president of InangLupa Movement that advocates agricultural modernization and rural industrialization, served as the guest speaker.
TAU hosts CHED’s IZN Conference Workshop
Privileged to take part in the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)’s effort in encouraging Philippine higher education institutions (PHEIs) to take a holistic and programmatic approach in pursuing their internationalization strategies and programs, the Tarlac Agricultural University (TAU) hosted CHED’s Conference Workshop on Building the Internationalization Roadmap of Philippine Higher Education Institutions held on April 18 – 20, 2018 at the TAU Agritourism Hostel Function Hall.
Said conference workshop endeavored to upgrade and strengthen the institutional capacity of HEIs to serve the public effectively and promote the internationalization of Philippine higher education. The three-day workshop aimed to produce CHED Internationalization Roadmap for PHEIs that will serve as a blueprint and framework of strategic and innovative activities; strengthen the higher education system improving the institutional capacity of HEIs by redefining their directions and plans in pursuit of academic excellence within internationally benchmarked standards in producing globally competitive graduates and productive digital citizens; and finalize the array of guidelines that would serve as guide of the Commission in the delivery of various internationalization activities. Atty. Lily Freida M. Milla, Director of the CHED International Affairs Staff unveiled the program directions by discussing the activity rationale and leveling of expectations during the Opening Program followed by presentations of internationalization experiences, programs and best practices by Dr. Luis Maria R. Calingo, Holy Angel University President and Dr. Max P. Guillermo, TAU President, representing private HEIs and SUCs, respectively. Meanwhile, Dr. Caridad O. Abuan, CHED Regional Director, has been represented by Ms. Lora L. Yusi and Dr. Cristina M. Nuque, CHED Regional Supervisors. The latter delivered Dr. Abuan’s message to the participants.
Prof. Eddie M. Nuque, Senior Fellow of J.R. Institute of Governance, De La Salle University facilitated the workshop on the ‘Goals or Objectives of Internationalization and Identifying Opportunities and Challenges Based on the Internationalization Experiences.’ Prof. Nuque and Dr. Alan S. Cajes, Vice President/ Managing Director and OIC of Graduate School for Public and Development Management of the Development Academy of the Philippines also moderated another workshop to ‘Identify the Internationalization Milestones for Higher Education and Drafting the Internationalization Roadmap for Philippines HEIs.’
Moreover, Mr. Rodolfo Sabas, consultant of the Canadian Bureau of International Education (CBIE), also joined the participants and shared his inputs during the presentation of outputs.
The participants also worked on internationalization guidelines and were grouped accordingly to draft the following: Policy on Foreign Student Scholarship, Guidelines for Pinoy Global Talent, Guidelines on International Academic Mobility Grants and Exchange Programs, Guidelines on Participation in International Benchmarks, Guidelines on Grants to Implement Internationalization Strategies, Guidelines for the Professor in Motion Program, and Proposal on the Implementation of Hub for English Language Education and Training.
The ‘Creation of the Philippine Higher Education Brand’ has been the focus discussion on the last day of the workshop with Dr. Dante M. Velasco, President and CEO, Creative Point International, Inc., as lecturer.
The activity was participated in by international relations officers (IROs) from 11 private HEIs and 8 SUCs which are affiliates and participantsinthe Training on Internationalization (Canada 15), ASEAN International Mobility of Students (AIMS) including institutions who are offering Transnational Education (TNE) programs. CHED IAS and Kto12 staff also attended the said conference workshop. (SRLingaya, TAU-ELIA)