TAU hosts CLAARRDEC’s 29th Regional Symposium on R&D

Tarlac Agricultural University, in collaboration with the Central Luzon Agriculture, Aquatic and Resources Research and Development Consortium (CLAARRDEC), hosted the 29th Regional Symposium on R&D Highlights on September 28, 2018.
Dr. Max P. Guillermo, TAU President and keynote speaker, noted that the regional symposium showcased the productive and innovative researches of the senior and junior faculty from various Higher Educational Institutions in Region 3 and also senior researchers from agencies such as Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources 3 (BFAR 3), Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Unit 3 (DA-RF03), Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice), and Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PhilMech).
In his keynote speech, Dr. Guillermo pointed out that the then TCA, now TAU, earned its current standing as SUC Level IV due to the initiative of the administration and faculty-researchers to produce relevant researches and technologies that would help the community partners and farmers in the region. He also added that the sweet potato farmers in TAU benefited from the innovative technologies and researches produced from the TAU Rootcrops Research and Training Center (RRTC), which is headed by Dr. Lilibeth B. Laranang.
Challenges and strategies on R&D were deliberately discussed by Dr. Guillermo. He mentioned that, despite the limited budget allotted for research works, the administration and faculty were encouraged to engage more in research and production in order to suffice the needs of the agricultural sector.
At present, the University is continuously developing its reforestation park at Titi Calao, Mayantoc, Tarlac. Being a dedicated forester himself, Dr. Guillermo proudly shared the innovations on the banner community projects of the University such as sweet potato and bamboo production.
With the symposium, anchored on the theme “Postering Creativity, Innovation and Resiliency in a Challenging S&T Environment,” researchers from different agencies and institutions in the region convened and presented their researchers and developmental projects which are deemed creative, innovative, and timely for the needs and challenges encountered by all community partners in the region and even in national and international milieu.
Dr. Guillermo, along with Dr. Honorio M. Soriano, Jr., the RRDC Chair of CLAARRDEC and PSAU President, and Dr. Tesero A. Abella, CLSU President and member of the CLAARRDEC Executive Board, awarded the plaque and recognition to the 2018 NSAARRD Best in R&D Paper Awardees, Presidential Lingkod Bayan Awardees and CSC PAGASA Awardee.
Dr. Michael A. Gragasin, Dr. Irwin V. Salapare, Engr. Jayvee P. Illustrisimo, and Dr. Romualdo C. Martinez bagged the 2nd place of the 2018 NSAARRD Award under the Research Category. Mr. Neal A. Del Rosario landed on the 3rd place under the Development Category.
The National Winners of the Presidential Lingkod Bayan Award were Dr. Honorio M. Soriao of Pampanga State University; Dr. Sailila E. Abdula and Dr. Norvie L. Manigbas of Philippine Rice Research Institute; and Dr. Michael L. Gragasin of Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization.
Meanwhile, the CSC Pagasa Award was given to Mr. Roger F. Barroga of Philippine Rice Research Institute.
After the awarding and opening ceremonies, all participants proceeded to their respective venue for the simultaneous research presentations.
The panel of evaluators for the Research Category was composed of Dr. Danilo C. Cardenas and Ms. Anna Marie P. Alo of PCCARD, Dr. Nico Jose Leander of BFAR 3, and Mr. Ricarte V. Castro of DA-BAR.
Papers presented under the Research Category were the following:
Researcher |
Title of Research |
Dr. Joel B. Ellamar, TAU |
“Production and Evaluation of High-Protein Fermented Sweetpotat (ProEn-K) as Feed Ingredient for Economically Important Aquatic Organisms” |
Dr. Edgar A. Orden, CLSU |
“Enhancing Milk Production of Dairy Goats Through Indigofera zollingeriana Supplementation” |
Dr. Salvador S. Soquila, PRMSU |
“Direct and Indirect Measurement of Somatic Cell Count in Detecting subclinical Mastitis in Goats” |
Engr. Arlene C. Joaquin, PHilMech |
“Development of Non-destructive Moisture Meter for Coffee Beans” |
Dr. Neil C. Tanquilut, PSAU |
“Geotagging and Biosecurity Assessment of Poultry in Region 3” |
Mr. Emmanuel C. Santos, DA-RF03 |
“Performance and Characterization of Water Kefir in Various Culture Media” |
Mr. Mark Nell C. Corpuz, BPSU |
“Condition Factors Dynamics, Induced Spawning Tolerance of Endemic Silver Therapon (Leiopotherapon plumbeus, Kner 1864)” |
Engr. Rhuelyn A. Ballaran, BASC |
“Modified re-Circulating Cooling System for Low-Cost Poultry” |
Dr. Ricardo F. Orge, PhilRice |
“The “Capillarigation” System: Enhancing Farmer’s Resilience to Extreme Climate Events” |
The panel of evaluators in the Development Category was composed of Dr. Pastor S. Coloma, former CLAARRDEC Director; Dr. Richard V. Simangan of DTI Nueva Ecija; and Mr. Jose Tomas S. Cabagay of PCAARRD.
Papers presented under the Development Category were the following:
Researcher |
Title of Research |
Prof. Ferdinand M. Domingo, PRMSU |
“Technology Promotion and Commercialization of Improved Integrated Pest Management Strategy on Mango in Region 3 |
Dr. Jessica M. Rustia, CLSU |
“Pilot Production of Mangifera Liquer Towards Commercialization” |
Dr. Hemogenes M. Paguia, BPSU |
“Improvement of Mango Production through S&T Innovations and Support Mechanism for Capacity Development in Bataan and Zambales” |
Prof. Imelda SA. Navarro, BASC |
“Sustainability of Diversified and Integrated Rice-Based Farming System in the Rainfed Lowland and Upland Areas of Bulacan” |
Ms. Ma. Cecilia R. Antolin, PHilMech |
“Pilot Testing of Mechanized Onion Planting System using 10-row Hand-tractor-driven Mechanical Seeder (Nueva Ecija and Pangasinan)” |
Ms. Aurora M. Corales, PhilRice |
“Rice Business Innovations System Community Program: A New Approach to Overcome Barriers to Profitable Farming and Market Engagement in Nueva Ecija” |
For the Poster Competition, the panel of evaluators was composed of Dr. Jovita B. Agiam of PLGU-Nueva Ecija; Ms. Alicia T. Nicolas of PLGU-Bulacan; and Ms. Inah Cristia M. De Jesus of NEDA 3.
After the whole-day research presentations, the panel of evaluators selected the best paper presenters. In the Research Category, Dr. Edgar Orden of CLSU won the first place; Engr. Arlene Joaquin of PhilMech was the second place; and Dr. Neil Tanquilot of PSAU received the third place. For the Development Category, Ms. Ma. Cecilia Antolin of PhilMech won the first place; Dr. Hermogenes M. Paguia of BPSU was the second place; and Dr. Jessica M. Rustia of CLSU landed on the third place.
For the best poster competition, the following earned recognition:
Research Category |
Researchers |
Title of Research/Poster |
1st Place |
NA Del Rosario, EM Cruz, MEM Orden, LLG Manalili, OL Bondoc, and JS Garabiles (CLSU) |
“Dairy Goat Performance Analysis for Improved Productivity” |
2nd Place |
EA Orden, NA Del Rosario, LC Romero and GJS Galamgam (CLSU) |
“Enhancing Milk Production of Dairy Goats thru indigofera zollingeriana Supplementation” |
3rd Place |
AC Joaquin, RP Avila, MEV Ramos and RC Martinez (PhilMEch) |
“Development of Non-Destructive Moisture Meter for Green Coffee Beans” |
Development Category |
1st Place |
RR Carbonel, PB Bernal, CC Abon Jr., EV Sicat (CLSU-PhilSCAT) |
“Biogas Technology: An Eco-Friendly Waste Management System for Rural Backyard Raisers |
2nd Place |
TB Estera, DG Vera, AA De Leon, CB Castillo, MA Domingo, CD Dela Cru, JG Sobrepeña, CS Manuel, and ELG Mapili (CLSU) |
“Soybean Utilization and Product Development” |
3rd Place |
VC Garcia, RR Carbonel, CC Abon, Jr., EV Sical (CLSU-PhilSCAT) |
“Training on Integrated Pest Management for PhilSCAT and Selected CLSU Staff” |
The formal awarding of the plaque and cash incentives to the said winners was scheduled on November 13, 2018 during the celebration of the Rice Fiesta at PhilRice, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija.
Dr. Fe L. Porciuncula, Director of CLAARRDEC, and Dr. Maria Excelsis M. Orden, Director of CLSU Research Office presented the certificate of appreciation to Dr. Max P. Guillermo, having served as the host of the said regional symposium.